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  • (A) Landscape categories. The following table describes the various land use relationships governed by these regulations. The landscape requirements herein are keyed to the table in division (B) of this section.
    Where This Use Adjoins
    This Use
    Applicable Landscape Buffer Categories
    (1) Single-family
    Multi-family/mobile home
    (2) Duplex
    Multi-family/mobile home
    (3) Agriculture, single-family, duplex
    (4) Multi-family
    Mobile home
    (5) Commercial
    (6) All residential
    Major highway
    (7) Commercial
    Major highway
    (8) Industrial
    Major highway
    (9) Vehicular use all zones
    Any right-of-way
    (10) All zones
    Utility substations, landfills, junkyards, sewage treatment plants, or similar use
    (B) Landscape buffer. This table describes the landscaping requirements for the buffer areas between those land use activities listed in division (A) of this section.
    Minimum Landscaping Requirements
    Landscape Buffer Category
    Minimum Width
    Ground Cover
    10 feet
    40 ft on center
    4 ft continuous or Barrier
    grass or low shrub
    6 ft. solid fence, wall or earth berm
    10 feet
    same as category 1
    4-6 feet continuous hedge or 3 feet hedge on earth berm
    same as category 1
    same as category 1
    15 feet
    same as category 1
    4-6 feet continuous hedge or intermittent planting with wall or fence
    same as category 1
    6 foot wall or fence
    10 feet
    same as category 1
    same as category 3
    same as category 3
    20 feet
    same as category 1
    6 feet continuous only with fence barrier
    same as category 1
    same as category 3
    10 feet
    same as category 1
    same as category 1
    same as category 1
    same as category 1
    5 feet
    same as category 1
    same as category 3
    grass, mulch, crushed stone
    same as category 1
    15 feet
    same as category 1
    6 feet continuous hedge
    same as category 3
    (C) Location of landscape buffers. The easements described in categories 1, 2, 3, and 4 in division (A) shall apply to all common boundaries. The easements described in categories 5, 6, and 7 shall apply to the property line adjacent to a limited access freeway or a public right-of-way. Buffers described in category 8 shall apply to all boundaries of the stated land use activities.
    (D) Relationship to yard requirements. The landscape buffers shall be provided in addition to the minimum yard requirements of the appropriate zone.
    (E) Responsibility for providing buffer. The landscape buffers shall be provided as a condition of development by the owner or developer of the property which creates the incompatible situation.
    (F) Inclusion on subdivision plat. Areas to be set aside for landscape buffers shall be shown on preliminary subdivision plats.
    (G) Easement conflicts. Where landscape buffers are required in the same location as utility easements, the two may be combined to the greatest extent possible.
    (H) Provision of planting materials and barriers. Trees, bushes, ground covers, and barriers shall be required or shown on a final subdivision plat which shall be provided by the owner or developer and considered as any other site improvement.
    (I) Quality and type of planting. All planting materials shall be living and not artificial plants. They should preferably be native to the area and suitable for site conditions. Use should be made of on- site planting to the greatest extent possible.
    (J) Maintenance. The property owner shall be responsible for all continued maintenance and replacement of all landscaping materials. Buffers shall be kept free of refuse and debris. Any dead plantings shall be replaced during the next planting season.
    (Ord. 14-1986, passed 12-1-86; Am. Ord. 5-2005, passed 5-9-05) Penalty, see § 152.999