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  • In all zoning districts, except the C-3 Central Business District, there shall be provided at the time any building or structure is constructed or enlarged, off-street parking spaces, either in a garage or in a parking area which conforms to this section. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements:
    (A) Number of parking spaces required.
    Unit of Measurement
    Parking Spaces Required Per Unit
    Single-family dwelling
    Each dwelling unit
    Two-family dwelling
    Each dwelling unit
    One and one-half
    Multi-family dwelling
    Each dwelling unit
    Rooming/boarding house
    Each room
    Each room
    Each employee
    Private clubs, lodges
    Each four members
    Hospitals, Nursing homes
    Each four beds
    Each four employees
    Each staff member
    Medical/dental clinics
    Each doctor, dentist, or professional practitioner
    Each five seats
    Unit of Measurement
    Parking Spaces Required Per Unit
    Non-school sports facilities
    Each five seats
    School auditorium
    Each ten seats
    Dance, assembly, or exhibition hall without fixed seats
    Each 100 square feet of floor space
    Library, community building
    Gross floor area
    50% of gross floor area
    Banks, business or professional offices
    Gross floor area
    150% of gross floor area
    Funeral homes
    Each five seats under maximum seating conditions
    Each funeral vehicle
    Each dwelling unit
    Laundromats, and the like
    Each two machines
    Restaurants, inns, and the like
    Gross floor area
    50% of gross floor area
    Retail stores having less than 2,500 square feet of gross floor area
    Gross floor area
    50% of gross floor area
    Furniture, appliance, and hardware stores
    Gross floor area
    50% of gross floor area
    Retail stores having a gross floor area in square feet between:
    Gross floor area
    2,500 - 5,000
    60% of gross floor area
    5,001 - 10,000
    80% of gross floor area
    10,000 - 15,000
    100% of gross floor area
    15,000 - 20,000
    150% of gross floor area
    Unit of Measurement
    Parking Spaces Required Per Unit
    20,001 - 30,000
    200% of gross floor area
    30,001 - 40,000
    250% of gross floor area
    40,001 - 50,000
    300% of gross floor area
    Over 50,000
    350% of gross floor area
    Manufacturing uses:
    Less than 2,000 square feet or less than four employees
    More than 2,000 square feet and more than four employees
    Each employee on the maximum work shift and for each company-owned vehicle
    In the case of any use which is not specifically listed, the provisions for a similar use which is cited shall apply. The Planning Commission shall review the parking provisions indicated on a particular development plan keeping these guidelines in mind.
    (B) Development and maintenance requirements. Every parcel of land hereafter used as a parking area shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
    (1) Each off-street parking space shall have an area of not less than 160 square feet exclusive of any access drives or aisles, and shall be of a usable shape and surface and have convenient and safe ingress and egress. Any aisles or access drives shall be designed so as to provide adequate vehicular maneuvering area upon the property being served. Off-street parking shall be discouraged which requires the backing onto or maneuvering within any public right-of-way.
    (2) Where parking areas are provided for five or more vehicles, they shall be improved with an asphalt, bituminous, or concrete surface, so as to be durable and dustless, unless located 200 feet or more from the nearest residential structure, in which case any dust reduction treatment will suffice. All parking areas which fall into this category shall be graded and drained so as to adequately dispose of all surface water.
    (3) Any lighting used to illuminate parking areas shall be so arranged as to reflect away from any adjoining premises in any adjacent residential areas.
    (4) All parking spaces and facilities shall be located in close proximity to the building or structure it serves.
    (5) No part of any parking area for more than five vehicles shall be closer than ten feet to any dwelling, school, or institution for human care unless screened in some manner.
    (C) Exceptions. In those districts zoned commercial or industrial, where private or semi-public interests acquire, develop, and maintain parking areas for the joint use of their establishments, or where the city or county provides parking spaces within a reasonable distance of these establishments, the Board of Zoning Adjustment may modify and waive the parking requirements for certain uses in the area concerned.
    (D) Restricted business/industrial automobile parking. The establishment and operation of a restricted accessory parking area may be authorized by the Board of Zoning Adjustment as a conditional use in such parts of any multi-family residential zone as abut, either directly or across a street from any commercial or industrial zone or any institutional building nonconforming in a residential district, subject to the following conditions and requirements:
    (1) The parking area shall be accessory to and for the use in connection with one or more business or industrial establishments located in an adjoining business or industrial district, or in connection with one or more existing institutional buildings on adjoining premises.
    (2) The parking area shall be situated on premises not less than 5,000 square feet in area.
    (3) The parking area shall be used solely for the parking of automobiles. No commercial repair work or service of any kind shall be conducted, and no charge shall be made for parking. No sign of any kind, other than that designating ownership, entrances, exits, and conditions of use, shall be maintained on these parking areas.
    (4) Each entrance and exit shall be at least 20 feet from any adjacent residential lot line.
    (5) The parking area shall be subject to all the requirements of this section concerning surfaces, lighting, screening, setbacks, and the like.
    (6) Any permit issued by the Administrative Officer/Building Inspector for such a parking area may be revoked any time that the above requirements are not met, and any permittee who uses premises to which the permit relates in violation of any of the conditions, specified by this section or fixed to such a permit, shall be deemed in violation of this chapter and thereby subject to penalties.
    (Ord. 14-1986, passed 12-1-86) Penalty, see § 152.999