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  • (A) Whenever the governing body of the city finds that raw water supplies are below the level necessary to meet normal needs and that serious shortages exist, it shall be empowered to declare by resolution that a water shortage emergency exists. Class 1, essential uses shall be identified, in specific, as targets for voluntary conservation initiatives. Also, all Class 2, socially or economically important uses shall be banned in addition to the Class 3, nonessential uses. These restrictions shall be considered ongoing until the emergency is declared ended by resolution of the governing body. Declaration of these resolutions shall follow the guidelines for declaration in § 52.15.
    (B) When the Mayor has declared that a water shortage emergency exists, the following activity will be prohibited:
    (1) Residential – All Owingsville customers are hereby prohibited from the exterior usage of water, including but not limited to:
    (a) The exterior washing of homes and/or windows;
    (b) The watering of lawns, flowers, shrubs or gardens;
    (c) The usage of irrigation systems;
    (d) The washing of any type of motor vehicle or pleasure craft;
    (e) The filling up or topping off of swimming pools of any size;
    (f) The washing of sidewalks, driveways, patios or parking areas; and
    (g) The refilling of decorative water fountains.
    A warning will be issued for a first offense violation, a one hundred dollar ($100.00) surcharge will be issued for a second offense violation and a two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) surcharge and/or possible termination of water service will be issued for third and subsequent violations.
    (2) Restaurants – The owners and/or operators of all restaurants are hereby prohibited from the usage of water as follows:
    (a) All exterior uses as outlined above; and
    (b) Restrict service of water to customers only when requested.
    A warning will be issued for a first offense violation, a two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) surcharge will be issued for a second offense violation and a five hundred dollar ($500.00) surcharge and/or possible termination of water service will be issued for third and subsequent violations.
    (3) Businesses – The following water usage for businesses are hereby prohibited:
    (a) Any and all exterior usage as outlined above.
    (b) Non-essential businesses shall be closed during the following hours: Laundromats will be open three (3) days a week 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.
    (c) Car washes.
    A warning will be issued for a first offense violation, a two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) surcharge will be issued for a second offense violation and a five hundred dollar ($500.00) surcharge and/or possible termination of water service will be issued for third and subsequent violations.
    (4) No additional tap-ons during the state of emergency.
    (Ord. 5-1987, passed 5-4-87; Am. Ord. 5-1999, passed 7-30-99; Am. Ord. 6-1999, passed 7-30-99)