Latest version.
  • (A) Petitions of nomination for candidates for city offices shall be filed with the County Clerk not earlier than the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November of the year preceding the year in which the office will appear on the ballot and not later than the second Tuesday in August preceding the day fixed by law for the holding of regular elections for the offices sought consistent with KRS 118.365 or any amendment thereto.
    (1) All candidates for elected city offices shall file their nomination papers with the County Clerk no later than the last Tuesday in August before the day fixed by KRS Chapter 118 for holding the regular election.
    (2) All nomination papers shall be filed no later than 4:00 p.m. prevailing local time when filed on the last day on which such papers are permitted to be filed.
    (3) The election of candidates to all elected city offices shall be governed by the provisions of this section and by applicable provisions of KRS Chapter 83A and Chapters 116 to 121.
    (Ord. 4-1987, passed 1-22-87; Am. Ord. 3-1989, passed 3-6-89)
    (B) The city may change the manner of election of city officers within the provisions of division (A) of this section by ordinance, except that no change shall be made earlier than five years from the last change.
    (C) The city shall pay the costs of city elections only if city elections are held at a time other than prescribed by law for elections generally.
    (D) Each appointed and elected city office existing on July 15, 1980, shall continue until abolished by ordinance, except that the offices of Mayor and City Councilmembers may not be abolished.
    (E) No abolition of any elected office shall take effect until expiration of the term of the current holder of the office.
    (F) No ordinance abolishing any elected office shall be enacted later than 240 days preceding the regular election for that office, except in the event of a vacancy in the office.
    (G) The city may not create any elected office. Existing elected offices may be continued under provision of divisions (D), (E), and (F) above, but no existing elected office may be changed.
    (Am. Ord. 8-2010, passed 10-11-10)
    Statutory reference:
    Election of city officers, see KRS 83A.050
    Creation, abolishment of city offices, see KRS 83A.080 (3),(4) Election to fill unexpired term of city office, see KRS 83A.165